Jan 22, 2014
The reason for the blue color in the before photo is because the padding was blue, as well as the reflection off the blue walls. We did a carpet install for this room as you can see in the after photo. We can give you a phone estimate for a few rooms of carpet...
Dec 17, 2013
We have same day appointments available throughout the valley for carpet stretching, carpet repair, and carpet cleaning. We use a power stretcher and provide a 3 year warranty on our work as long as all the furniture is removed from the area(s) we are stretching....
Dec 14, 2013
You carpet can look and feel good this Holiday Season in just about an hour. We have an entire line of Green Products which means your carpets will be safe for pets and babies. A Healthy Home is a Happy Home! Now find us on Google+!! See our featured company...
Dec 4, 2013
Yesterday in Surprise, Arizona we went to repair some pet damage in a doorway of their home. It was a standard carpet to tile doorway entry. We can do this type of repair in under 1 hour and if you dont have any extra carpet handy we can cut out a piece from the...
Nov 22, 2013
Take a look at this repair we did in Peoria, AZ Nov 18. Our customer did not have any carpet remnants for the permanent section, so what we do in this case it take a piece from the back of a closet, use that for the repair, then we place a non-matching beige...