Restorative Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix, AZ

Restorative Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix, AZ

Your carpet need to be restored when vacuuming or steam cleaning is not enough. Our customer in Phoenix had a tenant living in his apartment with dark carpets. With dark carpets, it may be more difficult to determine where the heavy traffic walkways are. Once you...

Carpet Cleaning And Re-Stretching In Chandler

Do you need you carpet re-stretched and cleaned at the same time? Well that is something we do for our customers. We will first re-stretching the carpet then we will go in and clean the carpet. The benefit of doing both of the jobs at once is you will receive 10% off...

Keep Your Carpet Cleaned

We really recommend that you keep your carpets cleaned regularly.  There are so many benefits in cleaning your carpet for example it helps with improve the air quality in your home. In the middle picture you will see our truck mounted hot water steam extraction...

Avondale Carpet cleaning job

ACR&C was called to do a Avondale Carpet cleaning job this week here are the before and after pics! .